Monday, October 21, 2013

Halloween Candy

It is the time of year when allergy parents cringe because of Halloween and CANDY. It is hard to find ingredients on the little pieces of candy your child gets in their bag.

We recently went to our school's Trunk or Treat and when we came home I tested Nathan by having him put all his candy into two piles. One pile was the "safe" candy and one was "not safe." It is fun little game to him and for me it is teaching tool to find out how much he knows about his candy. He did pretty good on guessing, there were items that I wasn't even sure about. In the end, he kept the Dum Dums, Skittles and Smarties.

I told him to give me the rest of his candy and I gave him a little toy......he was happy as can be.

This weekend is Trick or Treat and there will be 10x the candy.

When I was out purchasing candy for Trick or Treat at Walgreens, I noticed the statement on some boxes "Produced in a facility that does not use peanuts, tree nuts, eggs or gluten." I don't think I have ever seen this before but it sure made it easier for me to find safe candy. I still had to check for milk ingredients though.

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