Thursday, August 19, 2010

4k Registration

Today we registered Nathan for 4k at an elementary school in our new neighborhood. We were planning on starting him in school in October when our house was built, but since we don't have a daycare right now we talked to the school about starting him on September 1st and commuting. We have some paperwork to fill out and he could be starting with the rest of the kids.
Registration went good, we got to see part of the school, Nathan had his school pictures taken, we found out about bus information and even how to raise money for the school. We met with a nurse and gave her our health papers (required by school) the extra food allergy instructions and allergy plan that I made. I gave her all Nathan's medications, EpiPens, Benadryl, and an in-haler. She gave me another form to have filled out by our doctor for the in-haler.
When we got to the school lunch table, they give you a choice of buying milk for your 4k child for snack time since it is half day and they don't have lunch. I asked about soy milk and they told me I needed to email or call  someone else or we could choose juice which is around $8.50 for the year. Juice just seems easier and may have a less chance of Nathan's soy milk getting mixed up with the other children's milk.
Of course new school (big boy school) and more anxiety, but I am hoping that everything will be fine.


This Mama Knows said...

New follower from MBC. Come visit me,

Closer to Lucy said...

How how we worry about our little people! All I can say is relax Mommy! I'm sure you gave every direction needed! He'll be fine.

Breath! Happy Tuesday!
(Following you from Mom Bloggers)