Most people have no idea that "Playdough" has wheat, but Nathan has a wheat allergy so I am searching for a good playdough recipe. These two seemed to be the easiest without strange ingredients. I haven't tried them yet.
Cooked Playdough (baking soda and corn starch)
1 cup baking soda
1/2 cup corn starch
3/4 cup water
Have your child mix the baking soda and corn starch in a pot. Use hands to make sure all the lumps are broken up. Add water. The adult should put the pan on the stove over medium heat and stir constantly. As soon as the mixture gathers together, remove from the heat. When it cools, have your child knead it into a smooth playdough.
Note: Don't over cook this playdough or it will crumble when the children use it.
Alternative Recipe for childrens playdough
2 cup cornstarch
2 cup baking soda
1 1/4 cup cold water
Gradually add water until smooth. Heat, stirring constantly until mashed potato consistency. Turn onto plate, cover with damp cloth, let cool. Knead dough.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Found New Foods

I was online and read that Amy's Kitchen has a new line of frozen kid's meals that are allergy free. The ""Baked Ziti Kids Meal"" is made with light tender organic rice noodles toppped with a dairy free cheeze and Amy's pasta sauce. Broccoli and sauce, rice focaccia & a delicious apple crisp complete the meal. This is good news, I called Whole Foods and they carry them. As soon as I can get there, I will buy some and see if my picky toddler will like them.
Then while I was at my grocery store in their Natural Food Section, I found the Allergaroo allergy-free kids spaghetti meals. Pre packaged and ready to serve for those busy nights after I get home work and don't have time to make dinner.
Then while I was at my grocery store in their Natural Food Section, I found the Allergaroo allergy-free kids spaghetti meals. Pre packaged and ready to serve for those busy nights after I get home work and don't have time to make dinner.
Editited to add: Read the ingredients, I think I found out that there were nuts in it.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
"Peter Can't Eat Peanuts" by Nadine O'Reilly

Here is the link to Peter Can't Eat Peanuts on Amazon.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
The Asthma
Along with Nathan's allergies, comes Asthma and for the most part it is under control. But today it has been bad, he coughed the entire car ride to daycare and it was non stop. It just makes me cringe to hear him cough so much.
He did pretty good throughout the day (according to daycare) and when we were at the park. But when we laid him down for bed he starting coughing again non stop. Some of the coughs are so bad that he gags, my poor baby. We did double up on his Asthma medications, but that is all we can do. So I will lay in bed, listen to his coughing and just cringe.
I don't know the trigger which bothers me, it was foggy and cooler today.....could it be the weather?
He did pretty good throughout the day (according to daycare) and when we were at the park. But when we laid him down for bed he starting coughing again non stop. Some of the coughs are so bad that he gags, my poor baby. We did double up on his Asthma medications, but that is all we can do. So I will lay in bed, listen to his coughing and just cringe.
I don't know the trigger which bothers me, it was foggy and cooler today.....could it be the weather?
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Food Allergy Walk - Madison WI
Today we drove to Madison to particapate in a Food Allergy Awareness Walk. The Food Allergy of WI (FAAW) coordinated this wonderful event.
We walked 1.5K walk with check points that offered water and allergy-free foods. Then afterwards there were vendor boooths with free product samples. We found some new foods.
Vendors included:
Allergaroo - founder was there with free tasting of her pre-made dinners in Microwaveable pouches.
Epi-Pen - Gave out free bottles of water, tee-shirts, hats and nylon bags.
Nutricia NA -Makers of the Neocate formula
Enjoy Life - Free food samples and coupons for products.
Wildtree Foods - Food samples
Whole Foods - Free banana's, oranges and apples.
And other samples of crackers, PerkyOs, DariFree milk, Sunbutter etc.
They also had a DJ, balloons, face painting, free back massages, a jumping house and auctions.
Insurance Companies
Ever since our battle with food allergies started we have so many problems with our insurance companies, and we are on our second one presently.
First it started with Nathan's Epi-Pen, they didn't cover it. Now does this make sense? Don't you think an insurance company would cover a $150 medication rather than letting our son be hospitalized? I mean that is an easy brainer. If he needs his Epi-Pen and doesn't have one, he will be at the ER, has to cost more than the $150 Epi-Pen. Well, after a letter from our Pediatrician they decided to cover the Epi-Pen. Like we would just want one for no reason, they needed the Dr. to tell them it is medically necessary. DUH!!
Then Nathan was prescribed a special amino acid-based elemental formula (Elecare) that is very expensive about $200 a month. The allergist suggested we send the insurance company a letter to get it covered. We did and were denied.
It is sad that insurance companies don't cover these kinds of medical needs. I just joined a coalition to promote healthcare coverage and reimbursement of elemental formulas. They are called Children's Magic,
First it started with Nathan's Epi-Pen, they didn't cover it. Now does this make sense? Don't you think an insurance company would cover a $150 medication rather than letting our son be hospitalized? I mean that is an easy brainer. If he needs his Epi-Pen and doesn't have one, he will be at the ER, has to cost more than the $150 Epi-Pen. Well, after a letter from our Pediatrician they decided to cover the Epi-Pen. Like we would just want one for no reason, they needed the Dr. to tell them it is medically necessary. DUH!!
Then Nathan was prescribed a special amino acid-based elemental formula (Elecare) that is very expensive about $200 a month. The allergist suggested we send the insurance company a letter to get it covered. We did and were denied.
It is sad that insurance companies don't cover these kinds of medical needs. I just joined a coalition to promote healthcare coverage and reimbursement of elemental formulas. They are called Children's Magic,
Saturday, August 2, 2008
The State Fair
We went to our State Fair today. I was very nervous about going with Nathan, what could he eat and would it be safe, should I just bring some food from home?
I gave him some corn on the cob without butter, so that was good. Then I ordered a hotdog with no bun (everyone looks at me strange when I order this) which came with a bag of chips. That was ok. Then my husband and I wanted to have a cream puff (and of course that was a bad food for Nathan), then Nathan will want some (lately he wants what we eat). But I thought ahead a brought a brownie for him and he didn't even notice us eating a cream puff.
We went on the big slide, Nathan really liked that. He kept saying "more" after we went down.
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